
Currently Honored [ 1375 / 12000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
Number of screenshots:1(+200 reputation)
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Number of comments:56(+8400 reputation)
Number of votes:35(+1750 reputation)
Comment feedback:5(+25 reputation)
Bart95's total contribution to the War Effort:  103 75 0
90%93 37 50
10%10 37 50
Date Registered:October 23, 2009
Date last online:December 12, 2012

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Average score given by Bart95
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
4 11%
10 29%
8 23%
8 23%
5 14%

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Im not very fond of BGs to be honest, I keep getting paired up with idiots who try to do everything by themselves one at a time, eg in wsg, one of ours goes into enemy base, ON HIS OWN, he gets killed by opponents who know to stick together, another enters the base solo, gets killed, rinse and repeat. we practicly have a line up/down the BG.
Because of 'tactics' like these I've won in total around 10 matches and Ive played around 100 of 'em.
If you can get your team to stop being stupid, a BG can be fun, otherwise it's just a timewaster.

Bart95, on November 12, 2009
Battlegrounds :: Arathi Basin

Ive won 1 match in this. around 40 matches played, I swear Im ALWAYS paired with idiots who end up doing the 'circle' tactic and never bother to defend the flags.

Keepin' it simple, Team captures area, moves to next one, moves to next one, first one gets stolen, moves onto next one, second area gets stolen, next area, third area gets stolen, recapture 1st area, and so on and so on.

Bart95, on November 12, 2009
Battlegrounds :: Warsong Gulch

a'men to that, damn soloers *shakes fist* ><
Bart95, on November 12, 2009
Capital Cities :: Thunder Bluff

ah, just love using knockback against alliance =W=
Bart95, on August 12, 2010
Characters :: Draenei :: Prophet Velen

On planet argus, spaceship crashes YOU!
Bart95, on June 22, 2010
Characters :: Dragons and Aspects :: Alexstrasza
Characters :: Humans :: Varian Wrynn

Chin? Cool!
But he is pretty much a Human version of Garrosh ¬¬

The battle for the undercity
Varian: "this victory was well earned and-OMIGAWD THRALL!! DIIIIIIIIIE!!!!"
Agronok (Me) : /facepalm

and yes I AM aware of his backstory but attacking Thrall in a HORDE city!? Really!?

Bart95, on June 12, 2010
Characters :: Scourge :: The Lich King - Arthas Menethil

when was that?
can't wait to own him in 3.3 XD

Bart95, on October 23, 2009
Characters :: Tauren :: Cairne Bloodhoof

Yup, we aknow how it will REALLY happen blizz! and even if Cairne IS excecuted!...Thunderbluff was merely a setback!
Bart95, on June 12, 2010

I play alliance and only occasionally Horde (Normally as a Tauren though) and if Garrosh kills Cairne I will go Blood Death knight on him!
Bart95, on June 12, 2010

Cairne and Thrall both want peace but Varian and garrosh are NOT helping, besides the Tauren owe the Orcs after they helped them against the centaur.
Bart95, on June 12, 2010
Characters :: Tauren :: Magatha Grimtotem
Classes :: Priests

Lv11 at this time of writing and yes it is hard (also not very good for PvP), aiming for healing but I might have to respec shadow just to level because it is taking FAR too long to kill anything!
Also I seem to be made of paper in terms of defence and health -_-
Confused as to wth Dicipline does :S Heal? DPS? or Buff?

Bart95, on June 12, 2010
Dungeons :: Eastern Kingdoms :: Gnomeregan

with all the lv80 mages, DKs and rogues you would've thought that the gnomes could take back their city which is filled with lv 20s.
Bart95, on October 23, 2009
Dungeons :: Eastern Kingdoms :: Stormwind Stockade

okay a VERY basic instance, but its good for high level enchanters, EG death knights
Bart95, on October 23, 2009
Dungeons :: Eastern Kingdoms :: The Deadmines
Dungeons :: Kalimdor :: Ragefire Chasm

thanks to the new LFG tool alliance can play through this and the Horde can go through stockades!
Only downside is I find orgimmar to be a friggin' maze! ^^;

Bart95, on June 25, 2010
Dungeons :: Kalimdor :: Wailing Caverns

1) It's a pointless maze that is impossible to navigate without vthe Atlas addon...even then it is hard!
2) the druids can spam their sleep spell with a habit of using it on the tank or healer
3) The final boss is just a giant Murloc...hardley worth it
4) the instance is too complicated for it's level! plenty of PuGs were new to the game and had no idea where to go!


Bart95, on June 25, 2010
Playable Races :: Gnomes

Why arn't there Gnome Paladins?...oh right...Tauren Football, Baseball, Hockey and Nasket ball...I had to clean up the blood during the 2009 world cup.
Bart95, on June 24, 2010
Playable Races :: Humans

VERY old models (from the alpha I think! just changed posture a bit)
Even the spellcasters have steroid-like muscles!
Oh and they are incredibly boring seeing as this is a race that is in nearly EVERY MMO.

Bart95, on June 15, 2010
Playable Races :: Night Elves

Night elves, the hippys of the warcraft universe
Bart95, on October 23, 2009
Playable Races :: Tauren

That is all

Also, I've noticed that the females are the ONLY race that don't look like supermodels, they look more natural and realistic. (compare the Female troll from the Alpha to the final release versions, could be realistic but no all the females had to look purdy) Not ugly but not unrealistic.

Bart95, on April 9, 2010
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