Last 8 ScreenshotsLast 8 Screenshots

Last 10 GuildsLast 10 Guilds

Bees Make Honey Wild Growth 6
Aegis Lone Wolf 24
Fatality Living Flame 26
BDE Crusader Strike 42
Uwu Cuties Crusader Strike 13
RUINOUS Lone Wolf 1
The Scarlet Lodge Wild Growth 17
Grey Parse Gang Shadowstrike (AU) 1
Eekum Bokum Shadowstrike (AU) 22

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Lufthans - Lakeshire
1 Profile
Dpw - Grobbulus
1 Profile
Painheal - Everlook
1 Profile
Khodeshaman - Gehennas
1 Profile
Vanmooing - Mankrik
1 Profile
Alexisandria - Myzrael
1 Profile
Nekoa - Myzrael
1 Profile
Shadara - Myzrael
1 Profile
Keewie - Myzrael
1 Profile
Shesmybanker - Myzrael
1 Profile

Last 30 VotesLast 30 Votes

Felwood   by  Dlinnyoko
Battlegrounds   by  Spiritzek
Ragnaros   by  Aristen
Blackrock Depths   by  Liszto
Orgrimmar   by  Sacredcrow
Hallow's End   by  Sacredcrow
Orgrimmar   by  Hardstyle
Razorfen Downs   by  Cezeta
Professions   by  Arktoz
Remulos (N)   by  Prodigal
Humans   by  Annondorf
Archimonde   by  Smexorcism
Sindragosa   by  Smexorcism
Winterspring   by  Smexorcism
Boss Encounters   by  Smexorcism
Priests   by  Smexorcism
Fire   by  Disappearn
Priests   by  Arnath
Magtheridon   by  Tankertot
Uther the Lightbringer   by  Trineon89
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj   by  Trineon89
Retribution   by  Trineon89
Shamans   by  Jops
Darnassus   by  Shamcraxx
Ironforge   by  Shamcraxx
Stormwind   by  Shamcraxx
Thunder Bluff   by  Shamcraxx
Undercity   by  Shamcraxx
Orgrimmar   by  Shamcraxx
Capital Cities   by  Shamcraxx

20 Latest Comments20 Latest Comments

Boss Encounters :: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj :: Yauj, Vem and Kri
excaliburs, on October 10, 2022
Jousef, on July 27, 2021
Capital Cities :: Undercity
Home sweet home!
cleiver, on July 27, 2021
Boss Encounters
Boss encounters, dungeons and raids alike, No matter the stresses of trying to kill or complete them wipe after wipe, As long as you are doing it with friends you have met worldwide, nothing beats that satisfaction.
British89, on June 23, 2021
Battlegrounds :: Alterac Valley
Absolutely fell in love with this bg in vanilla and is my favorite of all time since, the mix of pve and pvp was very interesting to me.
Sniper, on April 20, 2021
Iconic Items :: 2H Weapons :: Warden Staff
A feral druid's best friend
Cixi, on November 19, 2019
Wazza, on August 11, 2019
Iconic Items :: Trinkets :: Zandalarian Hero Charm
Sheep -> ZHC -> ToEP -> Pyro -> PoM -> Pyro

Then wait 3min...
Wazza, on August 11, 2019
Iconic Items :: Quest Items :: OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon
The most infamous of escort quests >.<
So. much. walking.
Cixi, on August 11, 2019
For those who remember CTProfiles - this is trying to emulate it
Cixi, on August 10, 2019
Nice weap! Could probably do with more gear however ;-)
Cixi, on August 9, 2019
Screenshots :: Bugs - Glitches :: Girl's night out. <3 the nails
So wrong >.<
Cixi, on August 4, 2019
They had potential. But as far as story goes, they've been sidelined. And the model quality, complexity aside, leaves a lot to be desired. (And that's just the males, who at least are cool-looking; the females could have been both savage and elegant, but instead fail horribly at both.)
Cerulean, on December 29, 2011
its ventrilo-ish but its very bad quality and dosnt work nearly as well as ventrilo
Haell, on June 25, 2011
Screenshots :: Staged Shots :: Shoulder To Shoulder Traffic!
jungle book
slachtveld, on June 16, 2011
Screenshots :: World Pics :: Gnomish delight
nice 1 :p
slachtveld, on June 16, 2011
Capital Cities :: Orgrimmar
Now it is past the shattering. The orcs have rebuilt the city after the great disaster, and now it is more fortified than before. Wyrvern guards fly in packs above the city to prevent intruders from decending from the skys (though i'd love to see a city raid in any major city where intruders do fly in!). Garrosh now warchief in Thrall's absence is overlooking opperations in the horde from Orgrimmar in the Valley of Strength. Will the warchief cause more strife among the horde inhabitants, and will Thrall let that happen? Soon, we shall see!
drarkan, on May 7, 2011
The best pet for the dps
Feloren, on April 10, 2011
Classes :: Mages :: Fire
Indeed, fire is way better for raiding :)
Tyraldie, on February 3, 2011
Classes :: Hunters :: Beast Mastery
I love beast masters... I have quite a few exotic pets myself!
Istimial, on January 30, 2011