
Currently Neutral [ 1020 / 3000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
Number of screenshots:0(+0 reputation)
Number of Characters:0(+0 reputation)
Number of comments:5(+750 reputation)
Number of votes:5(+250 reputation)
Comment feedback:4(+20 reputation)
Gimmlette's total contribution to the War Effort:  10 20 0
50%5 10 0
50%5 10 0
Date Registered:October 23, 2009
Date last online:October 23, 2009

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Gimmlette
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
1 20%
1 20%
2 40%
0 0%
1 20%

Submitted ScreenshotsSubmitted Screenshots

Gimmlette hasn't uploaded any screenshot yet

Game CharactersGame Characters

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Submitted Comments and RatingsSubmitted Comments and Ratings

Pages: 1

Boss Encounters :: Molten Core
Boss Encounters :: Molten Core :: Ragnaros

I still get chills when that music starts and you run into Ragnaros' den. Although we kill him generally within a couple minutes of the fight starting, it's still lots of fun to take people who have never been there and hear their comments when Raggy shows up.
Gimmlette, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Ironforge

As it was the first city I was sent to when I first played wow, it's always had a special spot in my heart. It used to be a pain to get around and I see why it as called "Lagforge". But, once I got over the lag, the design is logical. Zones on the outer ring with some merchants and more trainers and merchants in the inner ring. I'm hoping the airstrip and the basement will, eventually be playable.
Gimmlette, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Undercity

I have a Horde although my main is Alliance. I hate UC. I always, always get lost. I've done For the Alliance so many times that, when I try to come in the doors from the blimp on my horde, I can't find the elevators. I've tried to go in with the same wonder I've had with the other horde cities and I just can't summon any enthusiasm for this place.
Gimmlette, on October 23, 2009
Game Content :: World of Warcraft

I always liked the original content I guess because it's where I started playing. I still find quests I never finished tucked away in obscure locations. It's hard to reinvent boss fights and some of the most interesting fights are in the old end game instances. I will never grow tired of running into ZG or MC or BWL and doing those fights.
Gimmlette, on October 23, 2009