
Currently Neutral [ 1235 / 3000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
Number of screenshots:0(+0 reputation)
Number of Characters:0(+0 reputation)
Number of comments:6(+900 reputation)
Number of votes:6(+300 reputation)
Comment feedback:7(+35 reputation)
Linghun's total contribution to the War Effort:  12 35 0
51%6 29 85
49%6 5 14
Date Registered:October 23, 2009
Date last online:October 26, 2009

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Linghun
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
2 33%
3 50%
0 0%
1 17%
0 0%

Submitted ScreenshotsSubmitted Screenshots

Linghun hasn't uploaded any screenshot yet

Game CharactersGame Characters

Linghun hasn't claimed any character yet

Submitted Comments and RatingsSubmitted Comments and Ratings

Pages: 1

Battlegrounds :: Alterac Valley

I am with agreement with Massdesign
I used to run AV nightly for hours on end and it was a blast. As Furer stated it really does actually feel like a battle and while capture the flag is fun it doesn't have the same large scale strategic feel that old AV did before it was turned into a zerg match. Low level AV still has some spirit but I almost wish back for the days of NPC's every 20 yards and doing all the mid-game quests.

Linghun, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Orgrimmar

I will genuinely miss the city I spent so much time in over the years playing but I look forward to something a little more well thought out than it is now. I only hope it's replacement isn't a new dalaran :X
Linghun, on October 23, 2009

If by 3-dimensional you mean pieces of it will be scattered throughout all 3 dimensions in game, yes it will certainly be so.
Linghun, on October 26, 2009
Characters :: Trolls

Best race in game and the least explored. They were all over the place in lore of azeroth and I want moar because moar!
Linghun, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Shamans

I repent all the years that I swore how stupid shamans were as a class. I've now got 4 of them across several servers and love them all.
Linghun, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Shamans :: Restoration

Great spec and a truly under-appreciated healing spec/class - I commonly out heal better geared druids and priests and can pull through fights where others have fallen short with little effect on my overall mana.
Linghun, on October 23, 2009
Pages: 1