
Currently Friendly [ 4420 / 6000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
Number of screenshots:0(+0 reputation)
Number of Characters:0(+0 reputation)
Number of comments:41(+6150 reputation)
Number of votes:25(+1250 reputation)
Comment feedback:4(+20 reputation)
Cerulean's total contribution to the War Effort:  74 20 0
50%37 10 0
50%37 10 0
Date Registered:December 1, 2009
Date last online:December 29, 2011

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Cerulean
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
3 12%
6 24%
6 24%
4 16%
6 24%

Submitted ScreenshotsSubmitted Screenshots

Cerulean hasn't uploaded any screenshot yet

Game CharactersGame Characters

Cerulean hasn't claimed any character yet

Submitted Comments and RatingsSubmitted Comments and Ratings

Pages: 1  2 

Capital Cities :: Darnassus
Capital Cities :: Ironforge

Very intuitive layout and interesting design. One of my two favorite Alliance capitals.
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Capital Cities :: Orgrimmar
Capital Cities :: Stormwind

Generic fantasy city. Weird convoluted layout. Overrated.
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Capital Cities :: Thunder Bluff

I just wish you didn't get dismounted on the totem ladder.
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Capital Cities :: Undercity

As previously stated, inconvenient for trolls and tauren. Decent layout; nice enough look, if you like your cities dark and spooky with fel-green ooze canals. And I won't miss the abominations at all.
Cerulean, on December 3, 2009
Characters :: Burning Legion :: Kil'jaeden

That's pretty much a given. He wasn't actually killed in the Sunwell Plateau, just kicked out of his latest portal to Azeroth.

And with that said: he's made out of Lawful Evil and manipulating bastard, and is generally a cool villain.

Cerulean, on December 2, 2009
Characters :: Draenei :: Prophet Velen

He needs to do something in Cataclysm...not that that's likely, seeing how draenei have been getting treated like a failed experiment. And he needs to be an actual challenge for all of the Hordies shooting for "Putting Out The Light."
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Characters :: Humans :: Aegwynn

Fooey on Blizzard and DC for killing her off in a bad tie-in comic. Fooey, I say.
Cerulean, on December 3, 2009
Characters :: Humans :: Jaina Proudmoore

I'm really not sure why there's so much hate for her.
Cerulean, on December 3, 2009
Characters :: Humans :: Rhonin
Characters :: Orcs and Half-Orcs :: Garona Halforcen

This despite the fact that she had a one-night stand with Medivh that resulted in the conception of an epic Mary Sue.
Cerulean, on January 24, 2010
Characters :: Orcs and Half-Orcs :: Garrosh Hellscream

Damn...I can't rate Garrosh Hellsqueal lower than "uncommon?"
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Characters :: Orcs and Half-Orcs :: Varok Saurfang

You kidding? He rates Artifact just for telling off Garrosh the way he does.
Cerulean, on December 2, 2009
Characters :: Tauren :: Cairne Bloodhoof

If Garrosh kills him, I'm going to be miffed on behalf of all of my Horde alts. (If he dies in battle or of natural causes, or simply steps down...that's another matter.)
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Characters :: Tauren :: Hamuul Runetotem

He needs to actually do something.
Cerulean, on December 2, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Boars

With any luck, they'll change the creature type on helboars from "demon" to "beast" and add them to this family. (One can dream...)
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Cats

I'd like to see more cats using the "lynx" (looks more like a caracal, but whatever) and Frostsaber Pride Watcher/dreadsaber/Rak'shiri (scaled-down riding tiger) models.
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Serpents

I'd like to see the big pythons that can be found in Wailing Caverns and Nagrand added to this pet family.
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Wolves

They will blot out the sun.
Cerulean, on December 1, 2009

Hopefully, darkhounds will have their monster type changed from "demon" to "beast" and be tamable as "wolves" in Cataclysm.

The "dire wolf" model should have its animations updated. It just kind of stands there.

Cerulean, on December 1, 2009
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