
Currently Friendly [ 4285 / 6000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
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Number of comments:37(+5550 reputation)
Number of votes:32(+1600 reputation)
Comment feedback:27(+135 reputation)
Rafen's total contribution to the War Effort:  72 85 0
0%0 0 0
100%72 85 0
Date Registered:September 28, 2009
Date last online:December 16, 2009

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Rafen
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
7 22%
16 50%
7 22%
1 3%
1 3%

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Battlegrounds :: Arathi Basin

Although Warsong Gulch was my first BG experience, I hopped into AB on the first day it was out and loved it. This is the BG that made me love PvP.
Rafen, on October 7, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas

Though terribly easy, I think they did a good job on making this a stepping stone into raiding for a lot of people. I was really glad to move on when Ulduar came out, but I enjoyed the time in there. Wish I'd been able to see it pre-BC.
Rafen, on October 12, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub

Awe... Hakkar was cool, but I wanted to comment on the panther boss. That fight was so suffocating, it was great!
Rafen, on October 7, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: Gahz'ranka

Yeah, fishing up a boss like this was a cool idea, but it just wasn't worth the effort for it to happen very often.
Rafen, on October 12, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: High Priest Venoxis
Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: High Priestess Arlokk

I loved this fight. You'd venture down into that cramped area at the bottom of the temple, ring the bell, and then spend the next few minutes trying to do as much damage as you can while quickly being overwhelmed by panthers. The sense of urgency on this fight for a guild who was gearing up primarily in ZG, was really high and I loved it.
Rafen, on October 12, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: High Priestess Jeklik
Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: High Priestess Mar'li
Capital Cities :: Darnassus

I liked the emptiness as far as lore goes. The night elves are supposed to be fairly uncommon compared to the other races. Darnassus made a great first impression on me early in my WoW career, but I agree now that it feels too spread out and a bit dead.
Rafen, on October 12, 2009
Characters :: Deities and Eternals :: Hakkar the Soulflayer

This fight is the one that was the culmination of my foray into raid leading. Defeating this guy after spending months teaching my guild how to work as a team, and learn ZG is still the highlight of my time with this game.

We'd wiped a few times, and it started raining (this was shortly after weather effects came out) right before we started what turned out to be our first successful attempt. The timing was epic, like something out of a movie... a bolt of lightning in the distance, the rain began, we all took a deep breath, and I called for our tanks to charge in. I loved every moment.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009
Characters :: Dragons and Aspects :: Onyxia - Katrana Prestor

The fiery cavern, the egg pit and whelp swarms, the deep breaths...

Ony rocks. Glad to see the encounter back for some fun. I'd like to see a heroic mode with more complicated and unpredictable tactics.

Rafen, on October 7, 2009
Classes :: Rogues

My main is an 80 rogue, and I don't have any serious alts above 33. To me rogue = WoW. All the other classes are nice and all, but for me, some cool daggers and the ability to turn invisible is all I need.
Rafen, on October 7, 2009
Classes :: Rogues :: Assassination
Classes :: Rogues :: Combat
Classes :: Rogues :: Subtlety

Has some of the coolest, tricksiest abilities in the game...

...but struggles against other specs in sustained damage.

Rafen, on October 7, 2009

That would be awesome.
Rafen, on October 26, 2009
Dungeons :: Eastern Kingdoms :: Gnomeregan

This place drove me crazy. I think largely due to the gnomish music and sound effects. Tinkering and springs everywhere... oh god!
Rafen, on October 7, 2009
Dungeons :: Eastern Kingdoms :: Lower Blackrock Spire

This place was really under-appreciated. It took a long time, and had a lot of variety. The spider room, the wolf room, the ogre gauntlet, the underground cultist town. It was also great fun to form rogue/druid teams to go farm the bosses for T0 stuff.
Rafen, on October 7, 2009
Dungeons :: Eastern Kingdoms :: Scholomance

A spooky castle built into the hill. Lots of bosses, crowded rooms, a secret lever in the basement crypt, sinister stuff all around. Cool when it was 10 man too.
Rafen, on October 7, 2009
Dungeons :: Eastern Kingdoms :: Temple of Atal'Hakkar

With a good group, this instance was awesome for a long afternoon of complicated dungeoning. With a bad group, this was a pain in the friggin' butt. Swimming down to it rocked.
Rafen, on October 7, 2009
Dungeons :: Eastern Kingdoms :: The Scarlet Monastery

Great instance. I did mostly solo stuff up until I ran this place. This made me realize what I'd been missing out on!
Rafen, on October 7, 2009
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