
Currently Neutral [ 265 / 3000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
Number of screenshots:0(+0 reputation)
Number of Characters:0(+0 reputation)
Number of comments:1(+150 reputation)
Number of votes:2(+100 reputation)
Comment feedback:3(+15 reputation)
Archis's total contribution to the War Effort:  2 65 0
40%1 6 0
60%1 59 0
Date Registered:November 24, 2009
Date last online:November 24, 2009

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Archis
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
0 0%
1 50%
1 50%
0 0%
0 0%

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Game CharactersGame Characters

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Submitted Comments and RatingsSubmitted Comments and Ratings

Pages: 1

Characters :: Humans :: Varian Wrynn

I initially thought Varian was just a mirror of Garrosh's stupidity, but thinking about events from his view there's a lot of differences between his situation and Thrall's that most people hating on him don't bother taking into account. For one, where Thrall was raised not knowing anything other than the life of a gladiator and slave, Varian was kidnapped subsequently and forced into the situation by Orcs (appearing to him the same Orcs who destroyed his homeland and murdered both of his father-figures). On top of this, Thrall was treated incredibly well for a slave, and had humans who were kind to him (including Blackmoore on occasion - people seem to forget that despite his general assholeishness he was nice to Thrall when Thrall won him lots of money). Varian, by comparison, was pushed to his limit and forced to risk his life constantly in exchange for nothing. His wounds weren't tended to, and he was given no incentive to keep at it aside from 'you'll die if you don't'.

The clincher for me was seeing Varian's behaviour in the ICC raid. Apparently Horde don't get to see this, which is a shame, but how he acts in reponse to Saurfang made him really stand out to me as a character who has a sense of honor and will stick to doing what is right for his people foremost, and all others when possible.

Archis, on November 24, 2009
Classes :: Rogues :: Assassination
Pages: 1