
Currently Friendly [ 530 / 6000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
Number of screenshots:0(+0 reputation)
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Number of comments:18(+2700 reputation)
Number of votes:16(+800 reputation)
Comment feedback:6(+30 reputation)
Sayis's total contribution to the War Effort:  35 30 0
100%35 30 0
0%0 0 0
Date Registered:October 23, 2009
Date last online:October 24, 2009

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Sayis
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
7 44%
2 13%
1 6%
5 31%
1 6%

Submitted ScreenshotsSubmitted Screenshots

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Game CharactersGame Characters

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Submitted Comments and RatingsSubmitted Comments and Ratings

Pages: 1  2 

Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas :: Anub'Rekhan
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas :: Grand Widow Faerlina
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas :: Heigan the Unclean

I do love The Dance. This was one of the most fun fights in Naxx.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas :: Kel'Thuzad

A great fight overall, excluding the yawn-inducing phase 1. /range was your best friend, and you could always spot a noob when they wouldn't move out of the Red Rings of Death. He even had adds in phase 3... this was a good, varied fight overall, and a good way to see who understood positioning/movement, and who didn't.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas :: Maexxna
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas :: Patchwerk

Always a competitive fight among DPS to see who could pull the most, although it essentially amounted to a tank and spank.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas :: Thaddius

Thaddius, aka "The PuG Killer." I've seen countless PuGs one-shot every other boss, only to fail because people don't understand when to switch. Once you got the switching down, you still needed decent DPS to bring him down. Fun fight overall.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Thunder Bluff

TBluff's got the fight stuff... it's a quiet, lag-free city, and the inn, bank, AH and mailbox are all clustered together. Watching the light hit the bluffs at sunset/rise is a really cool sight.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Undercity
Characters :: Tauren :: Cairne Bloodhoof

A chill leader... and rumor has it Blizz is going to kill him off in Cataclysm. If that happens it will be a sad day indeed.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Shamans

The support this class brings to a group is almost unmatched. Totems provide great raid buffs, and Bloodlust is a great spell in the Shaman arsenal. Plus, they generally get cool looking shoulders and gear.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Shamans :: Elemental

The Shaman rotation: Flame Shock -> Lava Burst -> Lightning Bolt . Rinse, repeat, and watch as you do great DPS without having to worry about mana. Chain Lightning provides small-group AOE, and the Totem of Wrath is great for raids. Far and away my favorite spec.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Dungeons :: Kalimdor :: Maraudon
Dungeons :: Kalimdor :: Zul'Farrak

This was an instance that was extremely epic for its level. Ringing the gong and watching Ghaz'Rilla emerge for the first time, then standing atop the pyramid as you got rushed by trolls... both were moments that truly sold me on the game.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Realm Types :: PVP

The best choice. Fighting against other players keeps things interesting, and ganking never gets old. It's called WARCraft for a reason.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009
Zones :: Kalimdor :: Thousand Needles

Coming to edge of the Barrens and looking out at the spires rising out of the ground was an epic moment for me; likewise for when I came to the Shimmering Flats and looked out across the desert. Very cool zone.
Sayis, on October 23, 2009