
Currently Friendly [ 5195 / 6000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
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Number of comments:45(+6750 reputation)
Number of votes:26(+1300 reputation)
Comment feedback:29(+145 reputation)
Massdesign's total contribution to the War Effort:  81 95 0
100%81 95 0
0%0 0 0
Date Registered:October 23, 2009
Date last online:October 27, 2009

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Massdesign
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
6 23%
4 15%
10 38%
4 15%
2 8%

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I love the battleground system. Can't wait to see what the new rating system will be like in the expansion. I wish they would give a few more gear options other than left over arena gear.
Massdesign, on October 24, 2009
Battlegrounds :: Alterac Valley

My favorite BG... well used to be. In my battle group AV is currently a drag race with little confrontation. They need to buff those adds standing next to the Generals and make capping towers a must. Tanks are cutting through the bosses and adds like they are cheesecake.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Battlegrounds :: Warsong Gulch

I love WSG when it's quick and vicious, I hate it when it's slow even if my side wins.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009

I need some advice. How do you get communications going to win this battleground? Maybe I need to look into a guild that is leveling alts in bgs.
Massdesign, on October 24, 2009
Boss Encounters :: Blackwing Lair :: Chromaggus
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas :: Kel'Thuzad

Easier than I thought it would be.
Massdesign, on October 24, 2009
Classes :: Druids

The only class that can fill just about any role. heal/melee dps/ranged dps/tank, and you can do it with only 2 sets of gear.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009

Also forgot to mention feral is the way to level once past 10, and you really start to kick butt once you get cat at 20.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Hunters

The solo class IMO, and easy to play. Took him all the way to 80, and currently spend a lot of time in battlegrounds. Why, hunters and rouges get a bad rap and it is hard to find a group when you are not a tank or a healer.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Mages

Ok to level but you burn through mana like a Humvee stuck in 4 wheel drive going uphill. So be prepared to stop and drink often.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Paladins

As a lvl 80 prot pally I never have a problem finding a group. Leveling starts slow but picks up rather quickly. Ret is the way to lvl.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Priests

I've never been past lvl 22 with this class. It just seems like it was too slow to kill anything. I hear it picks up a lot after 40 though.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Classes :: Warriors

If you keep band aids with you you never have to stop killing. If it's your first time lvl with arms.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Playable Races
Playable Races :: Gnomes

They have a low tolerance for alcohol and are more fun to toss than dwarfs because they go further. 100 points for running over one with your Kodo.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Professions :: Alchemy

Fun and easy to lvl. One rule of thumb though. Don' get high off your own supply. At least make sure you sell more than you consume.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Professions :: Blacksmithing

The Money Pit of professions. Hell to get to 300 after wotlk. Once you get past 300 not so bad.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Professions :: First Aid

Needs a buff or something else to make it more interesting.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Professions :: Fishing

Gets slow to level after a while. Wish I would catch something that would fight back. That would be cool.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Professions :: Mining

Money, Money, Money... Oh yeah and a good stam buff, a must have for tanks.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Professions :: Tailoring

I once came across a plate wearing tank that did tailoring. He had a hard time finding a guild. True story.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
Realm Types :: Normal

PvP servers can be very disruptive if you want to do your own thing. I've leveled on both and although it was fun at times on pvp I find normal servers to be more relaxing.
Massdesign, on October 23, 2009
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