
Currently Friendly [ 775 / 6000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
Number of screenshots:0(+0 reputation)
Number of Characters:0(+0 reputation)
Number of comments:12(+1800 reputation)
Number of votes:39(+1950 reputation)
Comment feedback:5(+25 reputation)
Nevermore's total contribution to the War Effort:  37 75 0
0%0 0 0
100%37 75 0
Date Registered:October 24, 2009
Date last online:November 1, 2009

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Nevermore
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
11 28%
10 26%
8 21%
8 21%
2 5%

Submitted ScreenshotsSubmitted Screenshots

Nevermore hasn't uploaded any screenshot yet

Game CharactersGame Characters

Nevermore hasn't claimed any character yet

Submitted Comments and RatingsSubmitted Comments and Ratings

Pages: 1  2   3 

Battlegrounds :: Warsong Gulch

With the new restrictions it has actually become a game of capture the flag instead of 2 hours of flag holding and fighting in mid....although the mid thing still goes on ><
Nevermore, on October 24, 2009
Boss Encounters

It's obviously up for debate, but in my opinion the raiding environment in WoW is the greatest thing about the game. In WotLK especially, raids are tuned for casual players to do successfully and for hardcore raiders to have a challenge. None to many companies have even tried to cater to both sides...not to mention do so with success.

My personal favorite thing about both 5 man groups and raids is that you can spend in game time with your buds and have some fun.

Nevermore, on October 24, 2009
Capital Cities :: Stormwind

Stormwind, to me, is a visual representation of what the Alliance is. A beautiful noble city full of pride toward its faction (aka the lions everywhere).
Nevermore, on October 24, 2009
Capital Cities :: Undercity

Voted as an Alliance member. Biggest pain in the bum for my faction. No one knows where the heck to go and visually its really cool.
Nevermore, on October 24, 2009
Characters :: Burning Legion :: Kil'jaeden
Characters :: Dragons and Aspects :: Alexstrasza
Characters :: Dragons and Aspects :: Malygos
Characters :: Dragons and Aspects :: Neltharion - Deathwing
Characters :: Dragons and Aspects :: Onyxia - Katrana Prestor
Characters :: Dragons and Aspects :: Ysera
Characters :: Elves :: Fandral Staghelm
Characters :: Elves :: Malfurion Stormrage
Characters :: Humans :: Alexandros Mograine
Characters :: Humans :: Jaina Proudmoore
Characters :: Humans :: Uther the Lightbringer
Characters :: Humans :: Varian Wrynn

People may not like him, but we need to take his past into perspective. He was made to be entertainment for the horde AND he was alive during the first wars. Its easy for us players who have never really see such monumental death that goes on in game to want "World of Peacecraft", but if you saw your country, family, friends, etc destroyed by a singular race I'd expect you would hate them too.

And even with this in mind he doesn't react out of context like Garrosh does >_<

Nevermore, on October 24, 2009
Characters :: Orcs and Half-Orcs :: Broxigar Saurfang
Characters :: Orcs and Half-Orcs :: Garona Halforcen
Characters :: Orcs and Half-Orcs :: Garrosh Hellscream
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