
Currently Friendly [ 4625 / 6000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
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Number of comments:29(+4350 reputation)
Number of votes:65(+3250 reputation)
Comment feedback:5(+25 reputation)
Docjrobert's total contribution to the War Effort:  76 25 0
95%72 43 75
5%3 81 25
Date Registered:October 23, 2009
Date last online:October 24, 2009

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Docjrobert
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
35 54%
15 23%
6 9%
9 14%
0 0%

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Submitted Comments and RatingsSubmitted Comments and Ratings

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Battlegrounds :: Alterac Valley

Seems like the Alliance has an overwhelming presence in AV at all times... At least in my realm :\ It's pretty much killed my ability to enjoy this bg, can't give it a good rating :(
Docjrobert, on October 23, 2009
Battlegrounds :: Arathi Basin
Battlegrounds :: Warsong Gulch
Boss Encounters
Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas
Boss Encounters :: Onyxia's Lair
Boss Encounters :: Onyxia's Lair :: Onyxia
Boss Encounters :: Onyxia's Lair :: Onyxia Solo

Solo'd with my 80 Unholy DK. Just had to avoid getting blasted back into the whelps... :P
Docjrobert, on October 24, 2009
Capital Cities :: Darnassus

Definitely agree with the majority on this one. This city is way too open and the traveling time between points is ridiculous considering how much nothing you go past.
I like the ambiance of the city though, but it seems to be the Silvermoon of the Alliance in that no one ever populates it because it's not a central hub of anything. It's got a cool look, but low utility.

Docjrobert, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Ironforge

IF beats out SW on my vote of "Best places to live - Ally edition." I wish IF would take over the main hub of Ally commerce. It's laid out so much better than SW and the tram system connecting the two should make it pretty easy to make the change. It's a bit darker (being an in-mountain Dwarven city) than the other cities but I prefer it.
Docjrobert, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Orgrimmar

Once you learn the layout, Org is STILL a bit tricky to navigate at times. Keep in mind that some of the upper paths have towers that you can enter from the ground level to climb up... I miss those half the time :P
Despite any issues anyone has, Org is THE Horde Capital. Other than Dalaran, everyone travels here for just about any and everything. Always populated...

Docjrobert, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Stormwind

Whenever I've played Alliance, SW is the hub of all Ally commerce, just like Org on the Horde side. I hate the layout of this city though. Everyone crams into the trade quarter which is right at the entrance so lag is nasty. Then there's the kind of Horseshoe shape with the holy users in the middle, separating the magic classes from the melee classes. The profession trainers are in random spots around the moats and not really logically laid out. Not a favorite city by any means...
Docjrobert, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Thunder Bluff

It's not as overpopulated at all times as Org or UC, and the layout is much easier to navigate than the two. It's a little wider spread though, so still takes a little time to get between points. But with the "Rises" named exactly what they have to do with, it's not too difficult. And again, a little fun can be had when Allys try to raid by using any kind of knockback skills and blowin' 'em off the rise :P
Docjrobert, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Undercity

This is one of those cities that you end up wearing the 'M' off your keyboard while navigating... And talking to the guards every other second to find a trainer or vendor or whatever. The ring setup is kinda neat, but having the entrances between the rings offset to each other increases time from running from outer to inner. Probably one of the hardest cities for the Alliance to raid due to this design which is good, but annoying for the rest of us ;P
Docjrobert, on October 23, 2009
Characters :: Burning Legion :: Kil'jaeden
Characters :: Burning Legion :: Magtheridon
Characters :: Burning Legion :: Mal'ganis
Characters :: Burning Legion :: Sargeras
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