
Currently Honored [ 4220 / 12000 ] with Warcraft Ratings.
Number of screenshots:3(+600 reputation)
Number of Characters:0(+0 reputation)
Number of comments:65(+9750 reputation)
Number of votes:57(+2850 reputation)
Comment feedback:4(+20 reputation)
Thyme's total contribution to the War Effort:  132 20 0
10%13 22 0
90%118 98 0
Date Registered:October 23, 2009
Date last online:May 28, 2010

Overall RatingOverall Rating

Average score given by Thyme
and corresponding vote distribution:
Count Color %
9 16%
20 35%
17 30%
8 14%
3 5%

Submitted ScreenshotsSubmitted Screenshots

Game CharactersGame Characters

Thyme hasn't claimed any character yet

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Capital Cities
Capital Cities :: Darnassus

What this city lacks in usefulness, it makes up for with style. It's wonderfully peaceful place and the music isn't too shabby either. It wouldn't hurt my feelings any if everyone decided to move a few feet closer to the center of town. The bank,auction house,inn, and anyone that can repair you seem to be as far away from each other as they can get.
Thyme, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Ironforge

It's a pretty great city unless you are a druid. Luckily it's just a quick tram ride to Stormwind, then just a hop,skip, and a little dance,or two or three, over to the druid trainer. One thing this city could spend it's budget better on is an air conditioner and a few more handrails.
Thyme, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Orgrimmar

I never really could find my way around this place for the time I've spent there,then again I've only been there once or twice.
There's another of Blizzard's easter eggs here in the Valley of Honor in the shape a famous Disney character's head.

Thyme, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Stormwind

Again,another city I couldn't find my way around when I first arrived. Slowly I started to learn where everything was which wasn't really a hard task for the city. I love how the different parts of the city change so dramatically and there is more than just one part that stands out from the rest.
Thyme, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Thunder Bluff

I've never been able to find anything in this city unless I wasn't looking for it and stumbled across it. Other than that, I do love the location and it is a lovely place.
Thyme, on October 23, 2009
Capital Cities :: Undercity

I love the atmosphere of the city.Now,if only I could find my way around. I've been there just once but I spent 15 minutes trying to find the exit.Part of those 15 minutes might have been because I was sidetracked looking at the architecture.
Thyme, on October 23, 2009
Characters :: Dragons and Aspects :: Chronormu - Chromie
Characters :: Elves :: Fandral Staghelm
Characters :: Elves :: Malfurion Stormrage
Characters :: Trolls
Classes :: Druids
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Bears

With a bear as a pet you get a few skin choices.Black bear or polar bear?Dark brown or light brown? For those of you with a warm heart for the rotting, there are even three varieties of those with mangled flesh and oozing sores.
Thyme, on November 7, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Birds of Prey

There are definitely some beautiful birds out there ready for you to snatch up.With patch 3.1 you can even pick yourself a pretty parrot out of Sholazar Basin.
Thyme, on November 7, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Boars

Boars come in a range of colors and even various armors. The armor adds a unique touch to any hunter's group.
Thyme, on November 7, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Cats

Cats certainly give a variety to the style choices for a hunter.You have everything from lions, to tigers, to leopards, oh my!
Thyme, on November 7, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Crabs

I definitely find these to be gorgeous pets once you get past the pinchers. The colors are beautiful mixes and it shouldn't be too hard to find one that catches your eye.
Thyme, on November 7, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Dragonhawks

Some lovely colors for these babies.It's a shame that only a few of them are actually tamable though.
Thyme, on November 8, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Hyenas

Who doesn't love a beady eyed little fellow who will giggle at all of your jokes?
Thyme, on November 8, 2009
Pets - Minions :: Hunter Pets :: Raptors

So you're Horde...and you're a hunter? Maybe even a little OCD or just get a kick out of things that match? The raptors are a good choice for those of you out there who fit the description. Pick the raptor,pick the mount,or the other way around,then head out of the door but you can't stop here, this is bat country!
Thyme, on November 8, 2009
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